Tired of Job Hunting?


Job search fatigue is real,whether you are working or unemployed, job searching can be very exhausting. After submitting literally hundreds of job applications with absolutely zero response, no feedback or the occasional rejection email, job fatigue is real and is a mix of physical and emotional exhaustion. Leaving job seekers with frustrations, lack of results and on the verge of giving up and waiting for a miracle to happen.

Tired of job searching with no success?


Job search fatigue and tire of job hunting with no success.

Job search fatigue is real,whether you are working or unemployed, job searching can be very exhausting. After submitting literally hundreds of job applications with absolutely zero response, no feedback or the occasional rejection email, job fatigue is real and is a mix of physical and emotional exhaustion. Leaving job seekers with frustrations, lack of results and on the verge of giving up and waiting for a miracle to happen.

How do you know if you are experiencing job search fatigue?

  • You find the same job postings over and over

  • Your fear of rejection stops you from applying for jobs you are well suited to

  • You avoid or spend very little time hunting for a new job

When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with your job search, take a step back and take some time to re-evaluate. Identify what the barriers are. Start with your CV, is your CV marketing your skills effectively? Are you applying for positions for which you meet the minimum criteria and does your CV reflect this? Do you need to up-skill yourself to secure the position you want?

Evaluate the types of positions you have been applying for. Review the job requirements, are you able to successfully fulfill the duties and is this reflected in your CV? What background is required to get the job done including industry familiarity, job knowledge, educational background. These are all critical when employers are screening applications, you will most likely not get a call back if you do not meet the minimum requirements or if you exceed the minimum requirement by too far.

An important aspect of job searching is the mental energy and self-motivation it takes to keep pushing forward to reach your sought-after position. Many of the frustrations come from the feeling of not being in control.  It is normal for job search fatigue to set in, when you are not receiving responses. Start looking for ways to avoid losing confidence. Develop a new strategy, a new job search plan and change up your ‘to-do” list, ensure you write down your career goals to keep you on track.

It is easy to get burnt out and discouraged when spending majority of your time sending out applications and sifting through job sites, especially after months of searching. One of the best ways to gain momentum is to take a break and change your attitude. Take some time off, relax and re-focus. Spend some time reaching out to friends or career coaches, they can assist with identifying why you are struggling and give you honest feedback.

It is important to understand that looking for a job can be a job in itself, set up a regular routine to tackle job hunting each day. Make a schedule and stick to it, you should block out time on your calendar daily and commit to using it strictly for moving forward in your job search. Don’t forget to include time for searching for new job sites and job searching tools. Broaden your job search techniques, often it is not your lack of skills preventing you securing a post, but it is where you spend your efforts in the job search. Focus on your competencies and not just job titles, use job board aggregators allowing automated searches to do the work for you and deliver relevant listings to your inbox.

Be resilient to the lows of job searching, reach out to the people around your and let them assist and motivate you to get back on track.

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